You know it isn’t a good start to the day of outings that you have planned when your toddler face plants with exhaustion on the play mat is almost out cold for 2 hours! But, there you, that’s the how the story starts. We were meant to go swimming in Duvbo, but Stella had other plans and because she hasn’t been day time napping for ages I decided she must need it and didn’t wake her up.

But, I was still determined to go swimming, even though we would be missing out of being with friends. Once Stella woke up we set off for Huddinge Simhallen.

We made it to Huddinge Station by bus, at least 40 minutes, and of course I hadn’t realised that there was ANOTHER bus to get. I wandered round Huddinge Bus terminal for 30 minutes before realising that not only did we need to get another bus, but we weren’t even at the right bus station (major head slap moment).

Lesson to all, never assume that anything is where it sounds as though it should be in Sweden. And always make sure you have at least 2 phones, a charger and a battery pack if you have a crappy old iPhone like me

Right now we’re on our 3rd bus back home…
