Travel back in time to early 1700’s in this enchanting and beautiful open air museum. It’s the gem of Stockholm’s museum culture and cherished by locals and visitors alike.
The open air museum is a time piece, a zoo, a theater, a marketplace, a outdoor concert bandstand and mini-aquarium. But, the most treasured pieces are the ancient buildings and original houses that have been transported to Skansen from all over Sweden. Farm steads, manor houses, churches, barns and cottages. They’re all set in the dimpled light of forest, meadows and farmland. Quaint doesn’t quite cover it!
I don’t want to give too much away but you don’t want to miss out on their zoo, too. Animals native to Scandinavia – bears, wolves, elk, deer and a some more exotic creatures are residents.
The best time to experience Skansen is in summer, of course. But, it can be very busy. The food and snack bars can be pretty pricey but they have plenty of areas for picnics and so on. Feel free to bring your own. Don’t try and do it in one day, either. It’s HUGE. We’ve been several times and I still don’t feel that it’s “done”. But, it is one of these amazing places that you can take the kids and as they get older they just benefit more and more from. Brilliant! Can you tell I’m a bit dewy eyed about it.