Free stuff to do
Easter in Stockholm

Easter break in Stockholm for FREE! 10 brilliant activities for you and kids over Påsklov.


Easterhunt - Hågelby 4H

Hågelby 4H is hosting their annual egg hunt at Hågelby Park on Skärtorsdagen (Maundy Thursday) 18th April, 15:30-17:00. The event starts at the dance area in the park.


 The egghunt will follow the story of the witches flying over the Blåkulla in search of the dragon eggs in between the lambs, kittens, sheep and horses.


The event costs 50 SEK per child, almost free. Purchase tickets in advance to secure your spot.



Black and white photography - Moderna Museet

Following in the steps of a family guided tour of the black and white photography in Moderna Museet’s collection, the museum’s Easter break kid’s activity is all about selfies! Black and white selfies to be exact.


Guests will be invited to a special family tour of the exhibit followed by a workshop in the museum’s atelier using collage, photos and self-portraits. The workshop takes place at 12:00 daily. You can pick up your tickets at the reception. Children go free and can bring one adult.


There is also a drop-in workshops from 11-16 throughout the week-long holiday from 16th April – 21st April. This is also FREE.



Spring in Stockholm usually means a couple of things. Cherry blossoms in Kungsträdgården, outdoor cafe and bars, and Hornstullmarknad.


The bustling street market with food trucks, vintage wears and locally produced goods is a hum of spring-activity in its first opening weeks.


Perfect for Saturday or Sunday strolls on Hornstulls strand, from outside Bio Rio.


The market starts at 11-17 and is totally free to attend, although we can’t guarantee you won’t end up making the most of delicious food and vintage goodies on display.


Make your own dinosaur eggs - Naturhistoriska

Spanning the whole of the Easter break, Naturhistoriska is celebrating a dinosaur egg-travaganza!! Dinosaur egg hunts, discover new and interesting dinosaur fossils all over the museum, make your own dinosaur egg in the museums atelier, and catch a movie at Cosmonova!


You can even meet Dino-Doris on each Saturday during the holidays.


So, for all those budding paleontologists out there, get on down to Naturhistoriska this Easter for your fill of dinosaur days.


Pharaohs and symbols - Medelhavsmuseet

Come and discover what symbols and appearances the pharaohs had. Could women have beards? How did Pharaoh’s headdresses look?


During the Easter break, come and visit the family exhibitions and tours. And, in the kid’s workshop you can make your own pharaoh’s beard and headdress!


From Saturday 13th April – Thursday 18th April, 11:30-16:00. Museum entry is free but workshop materials cost 40 SEK.


Egg hunts and egg cups - Etnografiskamuseet

Join the winding corridors of the exhibition and go hunting eggs among tough crabs, tired camels and disgusting masks!


Enjoy a classic Easter egg hunt throughout the museum, search using clues and solve the riddles to find your prize. The museums workshop and atelier is open to paint your own wooden egg cup and plant your own peas with.


It’s free to enter the museum and costs 50 SEK for materials in the museums workshop.


Påskägg and papparkonst - Östasiatiskamuseet

Easter at the East Asian Museum, learn about paper’s history in the exhibition Paper Stories. We also celebrate Korean-year and inspired by the Korean-Swedish artist Woo-Bock Lee’s paper art!


Woo-Lee Bock uses old books and newspapers in their art and in Ateljé Draken, you can use re-farmed materials and decorate Easter eggs. In the workshop you can try out origami and calligraphy.


Entry to the museum is free and cost of materials for the workshop is 40 SEK.


Skärtorsdagan at Skansen

Every maundy Thursday, or Skärtorsdagen in Swedish, Skansen opens it’s doors, free of charge, to anyone dressed as a påskgubban or påskgumman (påskkärring = Easter witch).


In Sweden, it’s tradition for children to dress up as påskkärring and visit their neighbours wishing them happy Easter or ‘glad påsk’ and small easter cards. In exchange for their wishes the children are given candies and chocolates.


The Easter witch is an odd tradition for any newbie to get their head around but you can find out more in Littlebearabroad’s guide to Easter in Sweden.


Bee Urban - Vårblommande

Bee Urban and Västermalmgallerian are hosting kid’s and adult workshops about planting spring bulbs on the 13th and 14th of April. Plant your own bulbs and learn about horticulture between 10-16 on Saturday and 11-16 on Sunday. 


Bee Urban is committed to keeping Sweden’s urban green areas green by placing Bee hives and building green areas that benefit local flora and fauna. Bee Urban was founded by the two biologists Karolina Lisslö & Josefina Oddsberg.


The event is totally free and open to children and adults.


Cherry blossom watch - Kungsträdgården

And, of course, last but certainly not least… the count down is on for the Cherry blossoms appearing at Kungsträdgården.


The cherry trees were gifted to Stockholm by the Ambassador of Japan in 1997-98 before Stockholm represented the City of Culture for the EU. Every year since, the anticipation for the pink coloured petals is palpable, with social media going crazy for them.


This year (2019), the due date is around 24/25 APRIL… with the Japanese/Swedish intercultural association celebrating Körsbärsblommens dag on the 28th April.

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