Monday 22nd June, 29th June, 6th July 2020, 13:00 – 15:00, Littlebearabroad Community Studios
Our summer ‘Art Club’ is a series of stand alone workshops for kids between the ages of 6-10 who absolutely ❤︎ art!
Each workshop will come with its own theme and visual project lead by professional artist and pedagog, Lindsay Baker. Using story telling, art history and every day objects we’ll be exploring textures, explosions of colour, crafty concepts and patterns. Whether it’s nature, fantasy or movie-magic inspired Lindsay will cultivate an atmosphere of discovery through artistry.
Each workshop starts at 1pm and finishes at 3pm (2 hours) and includes a small snack break at the end. This workshop will be designed for kid’s only. A portion of the workshop will take place outdoors and we will be working with messy materials so please wear appropriate clothing. We won’t be using förkläder.
400 SEK (incl. 25% VAT) and an additional 150 SEK for materials.