Which Jury member of an Animated Film Festival would you be?
In tribute to the Annecy International Animated Film Festival (June 11-16, 2018), Sacrebleu! Stockholm and Jill from the digital magazine Little Bear Abroad co-host children from 6 years the workshop « My first Festival ». During the workshop the children will take on very serious role of members of the Jury of an animation festival. Screenings, debates and awards will be the program of this 2 hour workshop.
Which Jury Member would you be?
Sacrebleu has concocted a special personality test to choose the role that suits you the most to become a Member of the Jury for the film festival. For children and grown up kids! Click on the image below.
Jill is originally from Scotland; a film student and EIFF (Edinburgh International Film Festival) representative in a previous life she is now mother to Stella (the little bear) and founder of littlebearabroad.com.