Fri 21st  – Sun 23rd June, 10:00 – 20:00, Skansen, Djurgården

Enjoy a traditional midsummer at Skansen! We bind birch wreaths‚ raises the leafy maypole (midsummer eve at 2 pm)‚ we dance and play games around the maypole‚ enjoy folk music and folk dance. You can also dance both old and new dances on our dance floors far into the bright Swedish summer night.

  • Midsommarkrans making
  • Dancing around the maypole
  • Traditional 5-kamp games
  • Folk music
  • Raising the maypole

It is incredibly busy at this time of year but absolutely worth it! It might be an idea to book ahead or buy tickets online before going. Queues to get in may be quite lengthy. Also, pack a lunch and plenty to drink. It will save hangry badgers getting upset when the queues are long for food.

If you would like to download Skansen’s Midsommar programme, click here.


When: Fri 21st June – Sun 23rd June, 10:00 – 20:00

Where: Skansen, Djurgården

Cost: See ticket prices here.