Our final meet up of 2018! Cracking open the Glögg and Speed Networking!! It’s a thing. Go with it.

We have an extraordinary group of women who join MamaMötet all with an abundance of talents, skills and passions. But, we hardly know any of them. After the previous MamaMötet: Networking session we did last with Polya Rosin, it struck me like lightening we need to put this into practice.

So: here’s how it’s going to work.

1. Clear objectives and outcome setting – Everyone who comes has to make a decision as to what they want out of the night. It could be new contacts in general, contacts for a specific project, a mentor, a new client, a professional foot in the door of an industry. Or, just getting out of the house for a night.

2. A succinct and sweet personal pitch to introduce yourself with.

3. Business cards/something with contact details on i.e. a piece of paper and a pen! Or, even a phone to take down notes!!

4. An open mind and a GSH. ?


Buy your tickets – HERE.


Tickets cost 100sek and include “a fun night out” ?