We are delighted to invite you to the launch of a brilliant new initiative – the International Parent Integration Project – to establish Stockholm’s very first international family integration space. 
A vibrant, attractive and welcoming physical space for newly arrived, or newly formed international families.
The purpose of the day is introduce new members to the vision and goals of the IPI Project and how we plan on achieving them. Throughout the day members of the IPI Project Committee will be on hand to answer questions as we launch our website, social media streams and membership role. 
You’ll find out how to support this brilliant initiative to keep the international community play group open, develop it and transform it into a fully functioning international family integration centre.
11am Doors Open
12:15 Presentation 1
14:15 Presentation 2
15:00 Event closes.
If you can’t make the presentation times, do drop by anyway. We’ll have the whole IPI Project team there and plenty of information to take away with you.
If you’d like more information about the IPI Project, the Founding Committee etc, please don’t hesitate to contact Jill Leckie via jill@littlebearabroad.com or on +46735378466
Yours sincerely, 
The IPI Project team