October 18th – October 31st, Gröna Lund Tivoli, Djurgården.
HALLOWEEN IS BACK AT GRÖNA LUND! And, there are some really scary additions to this year’s celebrations.
Between October 18th and October 31st (entire autumn school break), we’re open for Halloween celebrations. All attractions will be open and the park will be decorated in various Halloween themes, where “Lilla Området” (small area) targets our younger visitors and will be filled with pumpkins, witches, and scarecrows. Pettson o Findus Värld takes on a spookier theme and Lilla Scen (little stage) has a magical kid’s show twice daily.
In “Stora Området” (big area), brave souls can visit four houses of horrors, where the House of Nightmares has new frights, “Blå Tåget” (the blue train) is spiced up with live ghosts, “Lustiga Huset” (fun house) is transformed into “Olustiga Huset” (not-so-fun house), and the brand new Motel Hell/o house of horrors welcomes only the most fearless. This is a new level of fright, so be careful!
Evil spirits awaken after nightfall
When the big clock strikes 6 pm and darkness descends on the park, Stora Området fills with phantoms, zombies, freaky clowns, and evil spirits. That’s also when our “skräckzon” (horror zone) activates. If you choose to visit this zone, which is clearly marked out, you’ll come face to face with these evil beings…
The new houses of horrors can be visited throughout the day… if you dare!
You can find out more about the rides and attractions, plus the interactive shows and concerts. Get your tickets from Grönalund website.