Every day thousands of women die in childbirth, pregnancy related complications and illness across the world and most of these deaths should be prevented. The fact that they aren’t shows a shocking lack of respect and political prioritisation for women’s reproductive health.

On Saturday the 5th of March thousands of people across Sweden will be joining marches and walks in Cities and Towns, standing together and calling for more action to be taken in preventing these deaths. Its free to join and in showing your support will add weight to the political message the demonstrations carry.

Riksförbundet för Sexuell Upplysning (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) was founded in 1933 by Elise Ottesen–Jensen

“I dream of the day
when every newborn child is welcome,
when men and women are equal,
and when sexuality is an expression
of intimacy, joy and tenderness.” – Elise Ottesen-Jensen

Today, RFSU campaigns and raises awareness by prioritising sexual health and rights, improve sex education and help reduce maternal morality and poverty in the world. By not having access to the correct medical care, medicines, the right to abortions and post-natal care, thousands of women have died who could easily have been saved.

The first Barnvagnmarsch took place in 1937 outside a prison in Västra, Copenhagen. A group of women with strollers had gathered outside to greet Dr Joyce Leunbach. Abortion was illegal, she had been imprisoned for performing and offering information about abortions to desperate women in difficult circumstances. Today, abortion is still illegal in many countries, contraceptive care is difficult and expensive to access and in many cultures, girls who are just not ready to give birth are forced into pregnancy. We still need to keep sexual health and women’s rights at the top of the political agenda, the Barnvagnmarsch still needs support!

Come along on Sat 5th March at 1pm – Humlegården, Stockholm or look out for a Barnvagnmarsch in your area.