Tonight I was trawling through twitter and I came across a retweeted message from an American journalist, Leslie Postal that just said, ‘When you have babies, you have diapers. Except when you can’t afford them. Homeless shelter always needs diapers‘. It was an extraction from an article she had written for the Orlando Sentinal and it touched me.

It made me think of the stacks of unused nappies of the wrong size we have and the even more voluminous mountain of clothes that have been outgrown. Then I got thinking of the thousands of people, fleeing from their home countries with small children coming to Sweden, possible a totally alien country for them, with nothing. It was pretty hard not to make that jump in thought. There are dozens of shelters, houses, women’s refuge, hostels that need nappies and more in Stockholm and the rest of Sweden.

All Kvinnors Hus is one of them.

Unicef Sverige is in desperate need of clothing and donations before winter sets in.

Röd Korset Second Hand is always looking for donations and there is opportunity to gift aid in someone’s name for Christmas at Stöd Röda Korset.

Stockholms Stadsmission has been around for about 160 years and serves children and young people and adults with young families who are in crisis.